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Summit for Democracy IVLP Brings Global Leaders to the U.S.


Share America recently highlighted the International Visitor Leadership Program initiative Summit for Democracy IVLP! IVCLA arranged several meetings for some of these leaders who are working to strengthen democracy around the world. Check out the article below!

City leaders pledge to strengthen democracy

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Summit for Democracy IVLP and IVCLA Featured on CivitasLA Podcast


July 17-21, 2022 IVCLA welcomed municipal leaders from various countries around the globe for a special IVLP initiative to build on the December 2021 Summit for Democracy (#S4DIVLP) to discuss their methods for strengthening democracy with Angelenos! Dwayne Gathers, former chair of the IVCLA Board of Directors and founder of the CivitasLA podcast, met with two of our #S4DIVLP participants and IVCLA President and CEO Janet Elliott to discuss the work of creating, building and serving community; and the work of fostering civic knowledge and engagement – from a global perspective. Listen below! 

Global Community | A Conversation with Mr. Christian Huebel (City of Mannheim, Germany) & Mayor Josefina “Joy” Belmonte (Quezon City, Philippines) – CivitasLA


Life Enhancing Programming for Youth with Disabilities


IVCLA's International Visitor Leadership Programming (IVLP) was featured in a recent newsletter article! On June 21st, disability rights specialists from various countries in Africa met with AHEAD With Horses, Inc. (AWH), a non-profit charity organization devoted to improving the quality of life of disabled, disadvantaged, and special needs children through equine therapy. Featured in AWH's newsletter, these delegates came to LA to discuss various public and private sector initiatives to improve advocacy, accessibility and quality of life programming for those with disabilities.  Read the article below!

AHEAD With Horses Hosts International Visitors

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Five Women from Israel Are Making Great Strides for Women and Girls in STEAM Fields


IVCLA was thrilled to have our international programming featured in a May 2022 article of the Jewish Journal in Los Angeles. During a Home Hospitality dinner hosted by IVCLA board member Yael Swerdlow on May 1, 2022, journalist Tabby Refael was one of Yael's guests. Tabby was so intrigued by the five women from Israel, who were International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) participants, and their efforts to encourage women and girls in STEAM education, she wrote a feature article about their IVLP experience. Read the full article below!

Visionary Women are Creating Groundbreaking STEAM programs in Israel

Senegalese Film Executives Visit NewFlimmakers LA


On March 31, 2022, IVCLA welcomed an International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) group from Senegal, our first in-person program since before the Covid-19 pandemic, for a program on the Film & Television Industry in the U.S. The visitors met with the team at NewFilmmakers LA (NFMLA) on April 1 to discuss the work NFMLA does with local filmmakers.


See some photos NFMLA posted from the meeting below!

New Filmmaker's LA on Twitter


CivitasLA Interviews IVCLA CEO & President Janet Elliott


CivitasLA celebrates and elevates diverse and emerging leaders who are creating, building and serving the Greater Los Angeles community….locally, regionally and globally. Dwayne Gathers CivitasLA founder and former chair of the IVCLA Board of Directors shared, “I’m proud our work, while local, we have already reached a global audience, with listeners now in 28 countries outside the U.S. (led by India, Bangladesh, Canada, Germany, Rep of Korea, Belgium, U.K., Indonesia and South Africa).”


You can check out IVCLA’s September, 2020 Episode with IVCLA President and CEO Janet Elliott below!

 #13: Building Global Community through Citizen Diplomacy.

Discovering Catalina's Diversity: A Day's Project for 21 International Environmentalists

April 6th: 21 environmentalists from Asia, Europe, Africa, and Latin America visited Catalina Island to explore its ecosystems and learn about the Catalina Island Conservancy’s best practices in biodiversity conservation, wildlife management and sustainable tourism. Featured in the Catalina Islander, this multi-region group came to Los Angeles to discover and discuss the environmental challenges that the city faces as part of a 7-day program that IVCLA arranged. Read the full article below!

Catalina Island Hosts International Delegation (The Catalina Islander)

48 Women from 48 Countries:

Empowering Women Leaders in STEM

In October, the US Department of State implemented a ground-breaking, 3-week exchange program. The program, #HiddenNoMore, brought 48 women from 48 different countries to the US to discuss empowering women leaders in science, technology, engineering and math. The program was inspired by the 21st Century Fox's film Hidden Figures, so it was only appropriate that the group concluded their three-week adventure in Hollywood. IVCLA was honored to arrange the itinerary for the group's weeklong stay in Los Angeles and was thrilled to partner with 21CF to arrange an exciting day for the group on the Fox Studio Lot. Check out the press below!

Hidden Figures Inspires Historic State Department Exchange (Hollywood Reporter)

Hit Movie 'Hidden Figures' Inspires State Dept. Program (NBC News)

At IVCLA we love connecting Angelenos with interesting people from all over the world. Contact us if you want to find out how you can be connected.

© International Visitors Council of Los Angeles. A non-profit, non-partisan organization. Partial funding provided by the United States Department of State, the County of Los Angeles, and the City of Los Angeles. | Privacy Policy

3450 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 705

Los Angeles, CA 90010 


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